Monday, August 23, 2010

jenguk2 blog

wah! setahun lbh dok update blog...mujur ingat lg pwd...huhu...
idup lagi ikan aku tp aku rase aritu kalerful...dh tua2 ni tukar kaler kot..haha...
i'm having much bzier life than b4...thats why la hari tu blh lyn blog ni...rasenye time nganggur kot...
hurm...i'm now as a wife of sumone i loved, khairol anuar azman..
it was about 2 months of marriage..
nothing much different bcoz we're separated by 'laut cina selatan'...huhu..
it juz like love between 2 islands r...hehe...
having life like single-mingle but feel like living with double souls...wah..hebatnye ayat...haha!
dok tau dh nk ckp ape...what i know is i miss my hubby...lmbtnye 4hb sept...cant wait anymore...huhuhuhhhuhuhuhu...


hawadamQASEH said...

post that full of emotion in each words.saba syi.isik borang kije tuh.jgn berdoa saje xberusehe.hehe.bagus2.same2la kite update blog.lame dh xkenangan.

diana cd said...

intenet sini very bad coverage...sbb tu jd fed up nk isi borg on9...kalo kt umah lain r..blk kekgi dang ke lg nk isi? huhu..

ikan ayah